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Changing port for tomcat

In the event that the port for tomcat (8081) needs to be changed the following will need to be done:

  1. Change tomcat’s server.xml file to reflect the new port number:

    vi /var/lib/brains/app/apache-tomcat8/conf/server.xml

    Edit line 33 that reads as below and only change 8081 to the new port and then save your changes:

    <Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

  2. Restart the platform service:

    systemctl restart brainspace-platform

  3. Update brainspace-haproxy config file to the new port:

    vi /etc/brainspace/haproxy/brainspace-haproxy.cfg

    Edit line 106 that reads as below and only change 8081 to the new port and then save your changes:

    server localhost_ssl ssl verify none check

  4. Restart brainspace-haproxy:

    systemctl restart brainspace-haproxy

  5. Login to the UI, and

    • navigate to the Services Tab,

    • update the port (8081) for the Application Server,

    • click Save.


Making changes to the default port is not recommended. If this is changed it will need to be checked and possibly changed again after an upgrade is performed.