Changing port for tomcat
In the event that the port for tomcat (8081) needs to be changed the following will need to be done:
Change tomcat’s server.xml file to reflect the new port number:
vi /var/lib/brains/app/apache-tomcat8/conf/server.xml
Edit line 33 that reads as below and only change 8081 to the new port and then save your changes:
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
Restart the platform service:
systemctl restart brainspace-platform
Update brainspace-haproxy config file to the new port:
vi /etc/brainspace/haproxy/brainspace-haproxy.cfg
Edit line 106 that reads as below and only change 8081 to the new port and then save your changes:
server localhost_ssl ssl verify none check
Restart brainspace-haproxy:
systemctl restart brainspace-haproxy
Login to the UI, and
navigate to the Services Tab,
update the port (8081) for the Application Server,
click Save.
Making changes to the default port is not recommended. If this is changed it will need to be checked and possibly changed again after an upgrade is performed.