Upgrading Analytics & On-Demand Analytics
You will need a /localdata-share directory on the Analytics Server, this should NOT be an NFS mount like it is on the On-Demand Analytics Server.
Execute the following command to switch to root user:
sudo su -i
If prompted, enter the user password.
Extract the contents of the tar file:
tar -xvf brainspace-<version number>.tar
In the directory where the tar file was extracted go into the new version directory and start the install:
cd brainspace-<version number>
You can exit the installer at any time. To restart the installation, re-execute the bash command ./install-rpm.sh
After the command is executed, the following menu will open:
Highlight ANALYTICS/ON-DEMAND Server, and then press Enter on your keyboard.
For upgrades from 6.2 you will see the below prompt for the location of the localdata-share:
The share from the Application Server should be /localdata/brainspace and the mount point on the ODA should be /localdata-share.
To see how to configure this see Configure the data and localdata shares.
After the upgrade completes successfully you will see a message similar to what is seen on the Application Server.
For upgrade from 6.5 or earlier, after the install completes, check the /var/lib/brains/.brainspace/brainspace.DBConfig file, ensure that the following lines are present:
If the above is not present it will need to be added to the end of the file followed by the brainspace-analysis service restarted with systemctl restart brainspace-analysis
The brainspace.DBConfig file should look similar to this: