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Appendix C: Post-Install Checklist (Brainspace Verification)

Complete this checklist after installation to ensure Brainspace is ready for use by your team.


Additional Information


Verify Admin functions

Datasets: Add from DAT file (requires Connector) and view dataset info.

Create tags. Download Archive, Process, Status reports; Build Error and Build logs and Import Error Archive. Explain each.

Users and Groups: Create ‘’ Super Admin account. Create test Group, User and Notebook; grant access to test Notebook. Show how User cannot access other Group Notebooks.

Services: show license status, documents in use, expiration date and disk and memory usage.

Download brainspace.log & catalina.out logs from App, analysisServer.out and analysisserver.log files from Analytics servers. Upload to install ticket.

Errors: View latest. Archive.

Create Enron10k dataset from local disk.

Verify build completes to ensure functionality. Performance wise, we expect a full build to complete in 6 to 7 minutes.

Build Enron10k from DAT.

Perform build from DAT completes without errors.

Concept Search & Cluster Wheel

Search for ‘birthday’ and verify results on Cluster Wheel. Top Terms (time, day, good, work, mom, great, etc.) and Top Concepts (happy birthday, birthday party, celebrate, cake, tortillas, dinosaur, annie, brisket, etc.). Add block of Terms from Cluster Wheel, verify further filtering on Dashboard.

Create a Notebook

Create a Notebook from search results.

Add to a Notebook

Remove Duplicate documents. Add search results to prior saved Notebook.

Create a Focus

Remove block of Terms filter, use results to Create Focus.

Communication Analysis

Select 2 people while holding Shift key. Verify people are highlighted and results display for Sent (unique docs, To, cc, bcc, etc.), Received, Sends Most To, Receives Most From, etc.

Near Duplicates

Verify ND documents at Cluster Wheel edge. Add to search criteria.

License Verification & Usage Reporting

Verify license usage and expiration details (Admin\Services\Application).

Download and send to Brainspace

Send to .

Remove Unused Plug-Ins (Brainspace Only)

Navigate to /var/lib/brains/.brainspace/plugins and remove applicable, unused plug-ins

Date Format

Show AUTO (US ISO) and EURO Date Format plus the ability to custom configure any consistent date format.

Capture Version number

Access the server details under the Services tab