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Configure the data and localdata shares (Brainspace v6_3+)

Configuring the local-data share (new for 6.3)

The localdata-share is the new NFS share from the Application Server to the ODA Server. The NFS is usually configured before install, just like we do for the /data. During the actual install, the installer asks where the localdata share is, which should be /localdata-share on the On-Demand Server. 

For configuring /data

(This should already be done for existing environments):

On the Analytics Server, which contains the /data directory that will be shared, modify the /etc/exports with similar to the following:

/data <other server>(rw,async,insecure,no_root_squash)

Then run: exportfs

On the other servers (App/ODA), you can check the mount access with the following: showmount -e <nfs server>

Then within /etc/fstab you can set the mount with the following:

<nfs server>:/data /data nfs defaults,intr,_netdev,vers=4,nolock 0 0

Then you can run 'mount -a' to mount everything within the /etc/fstab file, or 'mount /data' to mount just the data folder.

For configuring /localdata

(for all installs and/or upgrades to 6.3):

On the Application Server, which contains the /localdata directory that will be shared, modify the /etc/exports with similar to the following:

/localdata/brainspace <hostname>(rw,async,insecure,no_root_squash)

Then run: exportfs

On the ODA Server, you can check the mount access with the following: showmount -e <app server>

Then within /etc/fstab you can set the mount with the following:

<applicationserver>:/localdata/brainspace /localdata-share nfs defaults,intr,_netdev,vers=4,nolock 0 0

Then you can run 'mount -a' to mount everything within the /etc/fstab file, or 'mount /localdata-share' to mount just the /localdata-share folder.