Concept Search
Concept Search Drawer
Using a word, phrase, paragraph, or even an entire document, Brainspace’s Concept Search automatically expands queries to reveal related concepts and retrieves conceptually related documents ranked by relevance or contextual distance. These inferences are a result of Brainspace’s understanding of the entire dataset and can quickly introduce key concepts previously unknown to the user.
To create a concept search, type a word, phrase, sentence, or copy and paste an entire document in the Concept Search text field on the Analytics tab, and then press Enter on your keyboard. The Concept Search drawer will open.
The Concept Search drawer includes the following features, which will be further explained below:
Search for a concept in the dataset.
Review the ten Top Concepts and relative weights found in the dataset for the concept search.
Add a specific concept to the Top Concepts pane.
Open the Concept Terms and Weights dialog.
Open the Concept Query dialog.
Links to open Advanced Search, Search History and Saved Searches.
Rediscover Concepts to find additional concepts.
Add Additional Concepts to the Top Concepts pane.
Open the Brain Explorer interactive data visualization for the current Top Concepts.
Retrieve responsive documents and refresh the Additional Concepts pane after adding concepts to the Top Concepts pane.
Close the Concept Search drawer.
Rediscover Concepts
Clicking the Rediscover Concepts icon in the Additional Concepts pane pulls additional terms from the Brain based on the current selection of Top Concepts, allowing you to pursue a particular conceptual usage. You can rediscover additional terms by adjusting the weight of terms or by deleting terms in the Top Concepts pane. This functions similarly to clicking on a concept bubble in the Brain Explorer to generate related concepts.
For example, if you search for “party” and get “fun party” terms as well as “contractual party” terms in the results, you can delete “contractual party” and then click Rediscover Concepts to return only more “fun party” terms.
Top Concepts
The top-ten concepts related to the search term will display in the Top Concepts pane, with the most closely related term identified with the largest dot and the term most distantly related to the search term identified with the smallest dot.
After searching for a concept, you can manage each the weight of each term in the Top Concepts pane. By default, each term is automatically assigned a weight that identifies how closely or distantly the concept term is related to the search term. The following options are available in the Weights dialog:
Exclude the term from the search results.
Change the term’s weight to low.
Change the term’s weight to medium.
Change the term’s weight to high.
Require the term in the concept search results.
Remove the term from the Top Concepts pane.
Show Concept Weights Dialog
After searching for a concept, you can view the numerical values associated with the concept weights in the Top Concepts pane and download a *.csv file to archive a record of the weights associated with each term in the Top Terms pane. The following options are available in the Concept Terms and Weights dialog:
Callout 1: View the numerical weights associated with each term in the Top Concepts pane.
Callout 2: Download a *.csv file of the concept terms and weights.
Concept Query Dialog
After searching for a concept, view the Boolean logic for the search results in the Top Concepts pane.