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Manage Passwords and Accounts

Brainspace offers several options for configuring and managing your account and password. The configuration details are set in your file. This article describes these settings and use.


If you want to change or override any of these values, you must use a file. This file should contain any properties values you want to override or change from the defaults.

Password Complexity

The password.complexity property sets the allowable syntax of your password as defined by any combination of uppercase characters, lowercase characters, symbol characters and numbers. See the examples below.

Example A

password.complexity=upper,lower,symbol,number sets your password as valid if it has any combination of, but at least, one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one symbol character and one number character.

Example B

As another example, if you have the following password.complexity property, password.complexity=lower,symbol,number, then your password is valid if it has any combination of, but at least, one lowercase character, one symbol character and one number character. If no value is entered for password.complexity it defaults to the password.complexity=upper,lower,symbol,number value.

Password Minimum Length

The password.minLength property controls the minimum length of your password. For example, if you have the property, password.minLength=11, then your password must be eleven characters long. If you do not specify a value, by default, the minimum length is eight characters. The default value is 8.

Password History

The password.history property sets the number of previous passwords that can NOT be used as a password again. For example, if you have the setting, password.history=4,then the last four passwords used cannot be used as your current password. The default value is 4.

Password Expiration

The password.expire.days property sets how often the password must be reset, in days. For example, if you have the setting, password.expire.days=90, then this password will have to be reset every 90 days. The default value is 0 (never expires).

Account Cleanup

The user.inactive.cleanup property sets the number of days of inactivity until a users' account is deleted. For example, if you have the setting, user.inactive.cleanup=30, this user's account will be deleted after 30 days of inactivity (no login). The default value is 0 (never deleted).


Deleting a user from Brainspace permanently severs the deleted user from all public and private work products that he or she created, including but not limited to Notebooks, Focuses, and Saved Searches. These work products are not deleted from Brainspace, however, and are still accessible by Super Admins.

Password Maximum Attempt

The user.login.maxAttempts property sets the number of times that a user can enter his password incorrectly before his account is locked. For example, if you have the setting, user.login.maxAttempts=4, then if a user enters their password incorrectly four times, after their fourth attempt, their account is locked. The default value is 5.


If user.login.maxAttempts=0 then there is no minimum number of attempts for the user. A user can continue to enter his password incorrectly, and his account will never lock.

Account Locktime

When a user has locked his account, he must wait some amount of time before he can try to login again. The user.login.lockTime property sets the amount of time, in minutes, before he can try to login again. For example, if you have the setting user.login.lockTime=15, then the user must wait fifteen minutes before he can attempt to login again. The default value is 30.


If the user.login.lockTime value is either 0 or less than 0, then a user account is permanently locked until unlocked by an authorized user.