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Install the Application Server

After satisfying all prerequisites, install the Application server.


Root access to all three servers and administration credentials for any third-party applications involved in the installation is required.

To install the Application (Runtime) server:

  1. Execute the following command to switch to root user:

    sudo su -


    If prompted, enter the user password.

  2. Extract the contents of the tar file:

    tar -xvf brainspace-<version number>.tar

  3. In the directory where the tar file was extracted go into the new version directory and start the install:

    cd brainspace-<version number> && bash


    You can exit the installer at any time. To restart the installation, re-execute the bash command bash

    After the command is executed, the following menu will open:


    When the script is complete, you will see a completion status message.

  4. With APPLICATION Server highlighted, press Enter on your keyboard.

  5. The Set Database Password dialog box will appear; press Enter:

  6. Enter a password for the PostgreSQL database user, then press Enter:


    You will use this password on all 3 servers and it can only be alphanumeric, no special characters.

  7. Re-enter the password:

  8. When installation completes you will be presented with the following, giving the URL for accessing the UI as well as the default Username and password:



    Note the password, you will need it later.

  9. Copy the license file from the installation directory to


    The following is an example of how to copy the license to the target location from the installation directory:

    cp <YOUR COMPANY NAME><EXPIRATION DATE>-license.txt /var/lib/brains/.brainspace/brainspace_license.txt

    To overwrite the default license file, enter yes.


    If SELinux is enabled, SELinux must be configured to allow HAProxy to connect to Tomcat via TCP.

    One way to do this is to use the following command:

    setsebool -P haproxy_connect_any 1

    After successfully installing the Application server, you will install the Analytics server and then the On-Demand server.