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Preinstallation Script: Server Configuration Audit

Brainspace Support offers an automated preinstallation audit script ('brainspace-preinstall') to verify server configurations prior to new installation or upgrade of the Brainspace software. This script gathers server configuration details (no confidential data) and summarizes the results in a text file for review by Infrastructure/IT teams or by the Brainspace Support team. The script provides server OS and configuration details (disk, processor, memory, etc.). When run on servers where Brainspace is already installed, the script provides confirmation that the server will support an upgrade a newer version of Brainspace, checks for many known-issues that can affect the upgrade process. No actual user or dataset details are included in the script output.

Script Requirements

The preinstall script requires:

  • glibc 2.17 or newer (this version is installed by default on RHEL/CentOS 7.6 and newer)

Download Script: brainspace-preinstall

This script is continually updated so we recommend you download each time you need to gather server details rather than keeping a local copy of the script on your system.

Download the current preinstall script:

Run this script on each of your Brainspace servers. This script can be manually downloaded to the /tmp folder on each server or can be executed directly without first downloading if your server has internet access to HTTPS (port 443).

Run Script (New procedures as of Feb 11, 2021)

Download and copy method:

  1. Download the script to your workstation, then copy to your Brainspace servers using a secure ftp client (e.g., Filezilla or WinSCP) or download directly with:

    curl -o brainspace-preinstall.gz

  2. Decompress the script and set executable, gunzip brainspace-preinstall.gz && chmod +x brainspace-preinstall

  3. Log on and run: sudo ./brainspace-preinstall

Review Report
  1. Open and review the report preinstall-<server type>-<servername>.txt.

    • Address all issues noted as Warnings, Errors, and non-standard status prior to the install/upgrade. Take actions as recommended in section Remediation Items. Re-run the script to confirm that identified issues have been corrected.

    • If you have any questions, please contact Brainspace Support for assistance


1. issue

error while loading shared libraries: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation not permitted

This typically means that /tmp is flagged as no exec. You can either remove the noexec from /tmp, or you can use mkdir -p /data/tmp && TMP=/data/tmp ./brainspace-preinstall to create an alternate temp location.