Uploading a Custom Certificate
You can now upload a custom certificate for the Brainspace 7 instance via the UI. Navigate to the Server tab and locate the “Manage Certificates” button at the top right most part of the page:
Next, use the modal to browse and locate the certificate PEM file along with the associated certificate key file:
Some minimal verification of the certificate file and the key are done after uploading:
Finally, you will need to restart the brains-ui service in order for the UI to start using the uploaded certificate:
docker service update --force brainspace_brains-ui
You should now see the certificate presented in the browser in the Brainspace UI.
If there was an issue with the certificate file and/or key file, and the brains-ui service won’t start, you will likely see errors in the UI log file. To view the log file:
docker service logs brainspace_brains-ui
To recover and revert to the default self-signed certificate, delete the files in the following directory on the application host:
And then restart the brains-ui service:
docker service update --force brainspace_brains-ui