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To upgrade a Brainspace 7 instance to a newer version, for example from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 (patch version) or 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 (minor version), the procedure is always the same:

  1. Obtain the installation bundle for the new version from Reveal Support.

  2. Extract the installation bundle to a location on the application host.

  3. Run the ./ script to enter the Brainspace Install UI.

  4. Select the “Upgrade” option.


Because previous installation choices were persisted in the home directory of the user performing the install, those decisions will be used when performing an upgrade. It is important to use the same user that performed the installation to do the upgrade, which in most cases will be the root user.

In most cases this will be enough to upgrade all the Brainspace containers to the new version, assuming that the new images exist in the Docker Registry. If using Amazon ECR, this happens automatically, if using a private Docker Registry, refer to the section on using a private Registry to first transfer the new images to the registry before running the procedure above.

If there are additional options associated with the release that need to be configured at install time, this should be apparent from the Release Notes along with information about how to set those new options.